Atlanta’s Premier Concierge Service

Elevate Your Lifestyle and Business Efficiency

Retaining top talent is always a challenge for employers. When an employee becomes overwhelmed with work and home responsibilities they often start looking for a new job that will allow them to achieve a better work/life balance.

Do you ever become overwhelmed when you think about all the things you need to complete in a day? When the weekend comes around you expect to check off every item on your to-do list, but it does not happen. By Sunday evening, you were only successful in completing a few things your list, and then the cycle starts all over again. At some point, you truly wish one day in the week had 36 hours to get everything done. Unfortunately, that never happens.

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Why Choose Us

First in class Dependibility

The owner of Pend Upon grew up in the low country of South Carolina. Her grandmother was a strong influence in her life.

Like many people of her grandmother’s generation, who used interesting turns of phrase, her grandmother referred to people colloquially that were dependable, trustworthy and supportive as a “Pend Upon.”

How Can I Help You

Our mission is to provied balance.

We are a lifestyle management company that was designed to help busy individuals balance their personal lives. Most of us do not have a personal assistant to make telephone calls, run errands, schedule dinner reservations and make travel arrangements for us.

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